Frequently asked questions

How often should I go see my dentist?

‘Prevention is better than cure.’ Cheesy, perhaps, but so true! Knowing that you’ve done everything possible to keep your teeth, oral hygiene and body healthy is just the best feeling. The best way to do that is by seeing a dentist regularly. We recommend you see your dentist every 6 months unless advised otherwise. This will give us a chance to educate you on how to look after your oral health (prevent decay and gum disease and check for any other abnormalities).

By coming in for regular check-ups you will always be one step ahead of your oral health. For example, by detecting decay in its early stages, would allow us to do a small filling rather than a big one, after it starts causing pain.

With regular check-ups, your appointment can be brief and we can make sure you’re on your way to an exemplary oral health

What should I expect at my first check-up?

Before your appointment at Bridge, our reception team will get in touch and remotely ask you to share some contact and medical details with us.

On the day of your appointment, we will start by charting the condition of all your teeth. You may hear us calling out random numbers at this point, but don’t mind us! We will then check the health of your gums, do an oral cancer check (standard protocol), and sometimes take 2 routine x-rays to see what’s going on in between your teeth that we can’t see with the naked eye.

Following this, we will go through all our findings and give you treatment options if you need any.

Our dentists take their time to assess your teeth and will give you both NHS and Private options so that you are fully aware of all your choices. It can sometimes be a little overwhelming at your first appointment with the influx of information, so we always encourage you to go home and have a think if you are ever uncertain. You can always get back to us via email or by calling. We are here to help, so feel free to reach out whenever!

How do I get an emergency appointment? Do I need to be registered?

At Bridge Dental Practice, we take emergencies seriously! Regardless of whether you are an NHS patient registered with us or you are new to our practice, we will see you!

We have designated emergency slots every day that we fill up at 9 am when we open. Please give us a call first thing in the morning at 9 am to get a same-day emergency appointment on the NHS.

If the slots are already taken when you call we will advise you to either call us the following day, call 111 or go straight to A&E if needed. Rest assured we will always do our very best to accommodate you at the clinic

When should I have my baby’s teeth checked?

Bring your baby in for a check-up as soon as they turn 6 months old! They will usually have their first teeth by then and it will give us a chance to offer you advice on how to best look after your child’s teeth.

Don’t worry if you think they won’t be cooperative (most babies aren’t!). A check-up every 6 months will still allow us to build a relationship with them and make them comfortable with a dental setting. This way, when they really do have a problem, coming to the dentist will be a piece of cake. Oh, and we are always well-stocked with stickers!

Will my dentist judge me if I have bad teeth?

As a practice, we have all taken an oath to never judge a patient. Everyone’s situation is different and we dentists gain absolutely nothing from making you feel bad. We just want the best for your teeth and gums and to help you protect them. Think of us as the guardian angels of teeth (AKA Tooth Fairies!) Also, remember that we have most definitely seen worse, so you are in safe hands. All our dentists are very empathetic and will take great care of you. We are always here to help!

Do I really need to Floss? My gums bleed so I stopped flossing!

Let me start off by saying that we all forget to floss from time to time, even dentists! (Shhhhhh… Top secret). It’s not the end of the world if you don’t sometimes floss as long as you understand why we do it.

Just like we brush the outer and inner surfaces of our teeth with a toothbrush it is just as important to clean in between your teeth!

I’ve also heard of patients who gave up flossing because of bleeding gums. Bleeding and swollen gums are the first signs you could be flossing more.

Imagine this: bacteria starts to clump up near your gums, your gums then become inflamed because they are trying to pull away from the bacteria, causing them to bleed when you brush/floss them. Therefore, you must work past the bleeding gums! Your gums will soon become tougher and they will then be able to withstand the flossing force and stop bleeding.

Optimal flossing can also help to keep gum disease away!

Healthy gums = happy patient = happy dentist!